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Battalion 4 regretfully passes on the following information about Chief Fahy's funeral arrangements:

The wake is on Thursday, September 29th and Friday, September
30th from two to four o'clock and seven to nine o'clock at Flower Funeral Home located at 714 Yonkers Ave. in Yonkers, NY.

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This is a call for photos of the members of Battalion 4 at operations or Department functions suitable for public consumption and mainly for the benefit of our retired members. If you have some pictures for me you can drop them on the computer in the study on 2nd Street or I can give you ...

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Friday, October 14th, 8 PM
@ Above Ballroom S.I. NY

Hilton Garden Inn
1100 South Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Room Code: Engine 28 / Ladder 11
Book by September 24th

Signup sheet in the kitchen.

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Last Call for Met tickets... 2 left, Wed, Aug 31st 5-10pm Unlimited beer, unlimited food, front row seat, spitting distance from Cespedes!! $150 each

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Contact me if you are interested in getting the Coney Island team back together this fall. I'm trying to determine if we have the men. I will update this post with season information.

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Please click "update your information" and tell the site your group number.

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